My pattern design very humbly take their inspiration from the atmosphere of the infinite beauty of William Morris & co. , or let’s say W.Moriss universe is my favorite graphic meditation and esthetic emotion
Within his bold two dimensional pattern Morris crafted a visceral response to the curves and waves of nature
I love the the way he reject simple replication of the past but capture its spirit, and seek the sense of depth and light:
How ever original a man may be he can not afford to disregard the work of art that have been produced in time past when design was flourishing, he is bound to study old exemples but he is also bound to supplement that by a careful study of nature because if he does not he will certainly fall into a sort of cut and dried conventional method of designing
William Morris artist craftman pioneer by R.Ormisyon & N.M Wells

Mock up hommage à William! ( I realise I dysothographied his name on the mock up)