Forget me not (Clara Luciani)


Mon nom de fleur préféré est devenu une de mes chansons préférées !

Clara Luciani avec Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand)

Karl Blossfeldt – Photograph

Plant photographs capturing the sensual beauty of nature from Urformen der Kunst (Archetypes of Art) (1928) by Karl Blossfeldt (1865–1932).

Blossfeldt was known for his technical mastery of macro photography where he magnified the alien beauty of nature through his close-up portraits of plants, twigs, leaves, and seeds.

Although he was a lecturer at the School of the Royal Museum of Arts and Crafts, Blossfeldt was never formally trained as a photographer.

Blossfeldt used home made cameras and lenses to magnify his subjects up to 30 times their natural size. This resulted in sharp-focus realism, extreme clarity, and rigid compositions that look surprisingly avant-garde. 

Those images come from raw pixel public (free to download under the CC0 license) domain images They  have digitally enhanced these astonishing plant photographs in high-resolution printable quality.


Trouver le bon mock up …

xmass motif :-) how does it look.

Happy new year – istolar

Creating a Custom Stamp Brush in procreate

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