Inspiring seeds

1500 patterns – BOOK

Modelage, standind woman with a drape

La “boite lunch” de Frida – IA


J’aime tellement les illustrations de Katie Scott !

Elles sont très connues. Vous les avez au moins croisées. Magnifique travail de precision et d’harmonie, texturé juste comme il faut. Son univers est une sorte de cabinet de curiosités botanique. Herbier géant ordonné et sauvage à la fois.

“Autodidacte, Katie n’a jamais étudié la botanique. Ses premiers dessins botaniques étaient des plantes nées de son imagination qu’elle traduisait sur papier. Cela lui a permis d’asseoir son style, ce qui l’a ensuite amenée à travailler aux côtés de botanistes sur des illustrations plus précises”

My Pinterest board about Katie scott


Honeysuckle is a fascinating subject for graphic design and art in general, providing endless possibilities for creating visually engaging and meaningful works.

Honeysuckle plants are climbers and often have long, entwining vines that create complex and dynamic shapes. These twisting and turning vines can form intricate patterns that are visually captivating.The way the vines wrap around structures or other plants can create interesting visual compositions and a sense of movement.

The leaves of honeysuckle are typically arranged in opposite pairs along the stems. This regular pattern can create a pleasing and harmonious visual rhythm.The leaves themselves are often simple and oval-shaped, providing a contrasting backdrop to the more complex flowers and vines.

Luno small posters

The beautiful, tasty, delicate BOURRACHE

In procreate I made stamp brushes of the flowers and had sketched previously.

Two colors berry pattern – making of

At the very begining I transformed a “tree of life” tile design non repeat pattern) into a full drop repeat pattern

Des magazines de mode en vide grenier

Combination de couleurs de 100 ans d’age!

C’est une meditation graphique 🙂

New color palette