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Fox portrait neckless by iStolar on Etsy
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Off topics and work in progress:


Flower stock for futur patterns Recherche de forme simples aux couleurs vives See sketch in BLOG
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Fluorescent flowers

July 13, 2024 / isa
On m’a donne des racines d’agapanthes. Elles étaient toutes agglomérées, inséparables. J’ai du les couper à la pioche, Je me demandais si je ne les avais pas tué. Il semble
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Agapanthes de la maison

July 13, 2024 / isa
Cone-shaped flowers blooms that narrow evenly from the bottom to the apex of the flower to form a cone-shaped appearance .Many perennials develop cone-shaped blossoms during the spring and summer months. Typically,
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Sketch conical flower pattern

June 29, 2024 / isa

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